Booking Information

Booking Process

Booking Rules and Rates are issued to all members and have been incorporated into the booking system.

St George Booking Rates 2025

After the initial booking rounds are complete, usually by mid-March, the bookings are then on a first come first served basis, with no preference between Lodge and Ordinary members or Visitors/Non-members.

All bookings must be made through the online system.

Only where the names of your guests are known to the system, and stored in the database, can the correct accommodation rates be applied. Where no names are given, or the names are not known to the system, non-members’ rates will apply.

To add your eligible family members to the database, please supply their name, DOB, and relationship to the member to the Secretary. An email to is sufficient. Please note that eligible family members are the member’s Spouse/Partner, Children, Grandchildren, Parents & Grandparents only. Siblings are not Eligible Family Members.

Process for Making a Booking

Click on the Book Now button on the home page, which will take you to this page.

Once you have read the details on this page, click on the Make a Booking button to be taken to the Clubman system.

If you still have issues, you may contact  the Booking Officer, Karen (02 4261 9191), who may be able to assist.

Bookings entered in the online system are initially TENTATIVE. The Booking Officer will check and approve each booking and send you an invoice, by email, with a link in it to pay by credit or debit card. Once your payment is received, the Booking Officer will mark your booking as CONFIRMED.  You will have 3 days to complete payment for your accommodation before your booking will lapse, and be automatically deleted, and someone else may book that slot.

You should take your booking receipt with you to the lodge.

In the week prior to your stay, you will receive an email containing the code for door entry at the lodge of your stay.  It is expected that this process will be automated in the future, but it is a manual process at the moment.

All applications received on any one day will be first in, best dressed.

Telephone Enquiries

Telephone enquiries will NOT be regarded as a booking. All booking must be though the online system. If you require help with making a booking, the Booking Officer may be able to assist. Bear in mind that the Booking Officer works, and may not always be available to assist at the time you call. Leave a message and the Booking Officer will return your call.

Booking Periods

  • Weekly bookings commence at 2 pm Sunday, and finish at 10 am on the following Sunday.
  • Short Week commences at 2 pm Sunday, and finishes at 10 am on the following Friday
  • Weekend commences at 2 pm Friday, and finishes at 10 am on the following Sunday
  • All Days commence at 2 pm that day, and finish 10 am the following day.


The club has payment facilities via the Stripe system only. Payments may be made by credit or debit card and you can store your card details in the Stripe system for future reference. Stripe charges a processing fee for each transaction that varies, based on the method employed (credit or debit).

Payments may NOT be made by cheque or money order.